Saturday, June 28, 2008


I know, I know... I'm late to the game, as per usual.

For the last few weeks, I've done nothing but soak in my final days (theoretically) of complete laziness and irresponsibility, before having to enter the world of working stiffs (read: adulthood). Despite the fact that spending extraordinary hours on the couch, TiVo'ing every episode of The Daily Show, is no small order, I decided that it was high time to challenge myself and pick up another TV show to begin and play catch-up. I guess if I wanted to do this and still maintain the semblance of a life, I probably should have picked something a notch below Battlestar Galactica. Because, now, I' (like, watched all 3.5 seasons in a week and a half obsessed). Though, really, I should have seen thi
s coming, what with my love of J.J. Abrams dramas/yelling at the TV when I don't understand the latest "plot twists" (taking liberties, here) on Heroes/Lost. With BSG, it's like they decided to look at every good sci-fi show on television, ever, and go, "Hmm, these are good... but what if we took out the crap?" Turns out: it worked. Also, look how bad ass this "Last Supper"-esque photo is:

All things considered, I decided that a related music post (don't laugh, I was almost tempted to scrap the music altogether and just geek out on the show) would either have to be an extremely Pure Moods-y genre, or some shit about robots. Robots it is!

"Bulls on Parade" (Rage Against the Machine)
...maybe it's a pathetic excuse to have a Rage tag on the blog, maybe it's a poor connection between BSG cylons and a track that only has an allusion to robots in the band name - I say, what's the diff??

"One More Robot/Sympathy 3000-21" (Flaming Lips)
...whether Yoshimi... is a concept album, or just a concept introductory four songs, the connection between Yoshimi and her face off against a bunch of futuristic robots is possibly the best conveyance of deep, philosophical thought I've ever heard in music.

"Robots" (TV on the Radio)
...apparently, robots are everywhere. And I guess they're trying to procreate.

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